
Companhia das Lezírias, S.A.


Companhia das Lezírias is the largest agriculture, cattle and forest farmstead in Portugal, covering the marshlands of Vila Franca de Xira, Charneca do Infantado and Pauis (Belmonte, Lavouras and Magos), totaling about 18,000 hectares. 
Companhia das Lezírias has undergone a series of difficulties over the years. It was nationalized in 1975 and later, in 1989, it became a public limited company wholly owned by public funds.
Since 1997, Companhia das Lezírias has consolidated its situation over time in both technological and financial terms, based on a philosophy of a sustained development.


+351 263 650 600



Projecto Co-financiado
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Fair international - Alimentaria Barcelona 2014

The Agrocluster Ribatejo will participate on Alimentaria Barcelona 2014 - International Fair and it will take place on 31-03 th of April in Barcelona, Spain. This a Professional Trade Show will be held over four days.
The Alimentaria is one of the most important food and drinks trade shows in the world. This fact is recognised by the major international operators in food and drink manufacturing, distribution and trade. This is a benchmark event whose success derives from highly specialised offerings, innovation and a tireless commitment to the show's international focus.


Cluster Agroindustrial
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