
Mendes Gonçalves S.A.


Mendes Gonçalves is a charismatic company which has been certified for its vinegar, sauces and condiments' production.
Having been established for 28 years, this company is one of the leading companies in the vinegar sector due to its profound know-how and dynamic approach to the market. Although it's a nearly three-decade old company, over the years there has been a constant effort to innovate and enhance the production, technological and laboratory equipments.

R&D is the biggest source of investment in the company. They are always looking to enhance their infrastructures and their range of products. They are always looking for opportunities to learn and improve their processes and invest on the continuous training of their employees keeping them informed of new technologies and giving them the tools to improve their performance. 


+351 249 979 200



Projecto Co-financiado
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Fair international - Alimentaria Barcelona 2014

The Agrocluster Ribatejo will participate on Alimentaria Barcelona 2014 - International Fair and it will take place on 31-03 th of April in Barcelona, Spain. This a Professional Trade Show will be held over four days.
The Alimentaria is one of the most important food and drinks trade shows in the world. This fact is recognised by the major international operators in food and drink manufacturing, distribution and trade. This is a benchmark event whose success derives from highly specialised offerings, innovation and a tireless commitment to the show's international focus.


Cluster Agroindustrial
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